Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lobotomy also known as Leucotomy.

Lobotomy was a surgical way to treat mentally 'unstable' patients, Lobotomies were outlawed back in the early nineteen seventies. A man named Walter Freeman, sought to simplify Lobotomies so that a common Asylum surgeon could preform it, Walter Freeman knew that most Asylums were poorly funded, and did not have the facilities to preform a full lobotomy.

In a traditional Lobotomy, the Surgeon would drill two holes on the sides of the skull in the soft temple area, they would alter the two frontal lobes of the brain, in the earliest leucotomy around 1933, Egas Moniz was the first too target the frontal lobes in his procedure.

Around the year 1946, Walter Freeman (Right side) and his assistant James Watts (Left side) preformed the first Transorbital Lobotomy on a live patient, he had first tested his new idea for Transorbital Lobotomies on grapefruits with an ice pick, he wanted to get away from drilling holes on the sides of the skull, and instead found it much easier to go through the eye socket, by lifting the upper eye lid and sliding the tip of the Orbitoclast over the eyeball and reaching a thin layer of skull, which was easily broken with a tap of a mallet, then to reach the opposite frontal lobe, they would angle the tip towards the nose.

Lobotomies were used to help control patients in most asylums, a Lobotomy would be preformed on people with Paranoia's, Obsessive Compulsive states and disorders, Chronic anxieties, and most cases of schizophrenia. A man named Howard Dully even wrote his own book on Lobotomies, having found out late in his life that at the age of 12 his parents had a lobotomy preformed on him.

Another interesting fact is that Rosemary Kennedy, sister of John F. Kennedy, had a leucotomy preformed on her at the age of 23, it permanently left her incapacitated.

1 comment:

  1. Looks great. I like how you added the photos in the body of the report.
